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发布时间:2023-12-19 09:43:45


  1. 用英文介绍乔丹
  2. 格里芬的英文名字
  3. 08火箭能否过第一轮


迈克尔·乔丹(michael jordan)


体重:98 公斤



迈克尔乔丹 michael jordan


位 置:后卫





司 职:后卫

1985年5月 以平均每场得28.2分获取年度新人王。

1991年6月12日 在总决赛第5场,乔丹独得30分,带领公牛以108∶101击败湖人赢取第一个总冠军,乔丹荣膺第一个最有价值球员。

1993年6月 平均每场得41分,带领公牛在总决赛中战胜菲尼克斯太阳队,实现了第一次三连冠。太阳队巴克利获最有价值球员。

1996年6月16日 乔丹打满了整个赛季,带领公牛在总决赛中战胜超音速队,拉开了第二个三连冠的序幕,他也获得第8个得分王、总决赛mvp和全明星赛mvp。

1998年6月14日 公牛再次战胜爵士夺取第六个nba总冠军,乔丹第二次连续三年荣膺得分王,再获总决赛mvp和全明星赛mvp。

1993年6月16日 芝加哥公牛队vs凤凰成太阳队


full name: michael jeffrey jordan

previous occupation: professional basketball player

position: shooting guard

former teams: chicago bulls 1984-98 & washington wizards 2001-03

date of birth: february 17, 1963

place of birth: brooklyn, new york

height: 6'6"

weight: 216 lbs

high school: emsley a. laney high school

college: north carolina

nba draft: 1984 - 3rd overall by the chicago bulls

sign: aquarius

family: parents: james and delores jordan : brothers: larry and james : sisters: delores and roslyn

love life: married: juanita jordan with two sons, jeffrey michael and marcus james, and one daughter, jasmine michael

one of the most famous players in basketball history, michael jeffery jordan was born on february 17, 1963 in brooklyn, new york. his family headed to wilmington, north carolina when jordan was still little and, being the youngest of three children, he was considered the laziest of the three. although he slacked through school, when he hit high school, things began to turn around for him. he began to get better grades and showed more of an interest in school itself, along with three different sports: football, baseball, and basketball, where he lettered in all three. during his sophomore year, he was cut from the basketball team because he only stood 5'9. over the summer, he continued to train and grew a whopping 4 inches, consequently, he wasn't cut from the team again. and, during his senior year, was selected for the mcdonald's all-american team. when he headed off to college at the university of north carolina, he was not yet the star that he would become. although he did help to lead his team to a win in the 1982 ncaa championship, he quit school to enter the draft for the nba in 1984, where he was drafted by the chicago bulls.


black griffen




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